NSG 5003 Week 4 Knowledge Check
South University
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NSG 5003 Week 5 Quiz
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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NSG 5003 Week 5 Quiz

Which pulmonary defense mechanism propels a mucous blanket that entraps particles moving toward the oropharynx?

Stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors send afferent impulses regarding ventilation to which location in the brain?

If a patient develops acidosis, the nurse would expect the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to react in which manner?

How is most carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood transported?
Exam (elaborations)
NSG 5003 Week 5 Quiz
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NSG 5003 Week 5 Quiz 
Which pulmonary defense mechanism propels a mucous blanket that entraps particles moving toward the oropharynx? 
Stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors send afferent impulses regarding ventilation to which location in the brain? 
If a patient develops acidosis, the nurse would expect the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to react in which manner? 
How is most carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood transported?
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