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Latest notes & summaries WGU
Ans: It considers the time value of money, it tells you the dollar value that 
the investment will add to the firm, and it takes risk into account. 
Sunk Costs 
Ans: Costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered, 
which should not be considered in capital investment analysis. 
Required Rate of Return 
Ans: An accurate, carefully calculated rate that is essential for 
determining the profitability of an investment using NPV. 
Financing Decision 
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Title III addresses English learners (ELs), including what other status of 
Ans: Migrant children and youth 
What is one function of the Home Language Survey for English 
language (EL) students? 
Ans: Determines the potential need for a language assistance program 
An EL student was placed in a special education program. It was 
determined later that this student was incorrectly placed in the 
program.What may be the reason for this? 
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Ans: The student w...
What is Starling's Law of Capillary forces? 
How does this explain why a nutritionally deficient child would have 
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Ans: Starling's Law describes how fluids move across the capillary 
membrane. There are two major opposing forces that act to balance 
each other, hydrostatic pressure (pushing water out of the capillaries) and 
osmotic pressure (including oncontic pressure, which pushes fluid into the 
Both electrolytes and proteins (oncon...
Define the confidentiality in the CIA triad. 
Ans: Our ability to protect data from those who are not authorized to view 
Examples of confidentiality 
Ans: A patron using an ATM card wants to keep their PIN number 
An ATM owner wants to keep bank account numbers confidential. 
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How can confidentiality be broken? 
Ans: Losing a laptop 
An attacker gets access to info 
A person can look over your shoulder 
Define integrity in the CIA triad. ...
Information security 
Ans: Keeping data, software, and hardware secure against unauthorized 
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. 
Ans: The requirements that are set forth by laws and industry regulations. 
Example : HIPPA/ HITECH- healthcare, PCI/DSS- payment card industry, 
FISMA- federal government agencies 
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Ans: The core model of all information security. Confidential, integrity and 
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 
Ans: Popular motivational theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. 
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Main Idea 
Ans: Individuals must satisfy a basic series of needs before they can reach 
their potential. 
Maslow's Deficiency Needs 
Ans: Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, and Esteem 
Maslow's Growth Needs 
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Ans: Cognitive, Aesthetic, Self-Actualization, Transcendence 
Maslow's Physiological Need 
Ans: Biolo...
Which type of genetic disease affects males more frequently than 
Sex-linked recessive 
Autosomal recessive 
Autosomal dominant 
Sex-linked dominant 
Ans: Sex-Linked recessive. Since males only have one X and one Y, if the 
affected chromosome has the illness, it will be expressed. 
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In which two conditions are chromosomal abnormalities the leading 
known cause? 
Intellectual disability 
Respiratory disorders
What is the act of examining ones own mental processes and 
Ans: introspection 
What does introspection play a huge role in? 
Ans: cultural competence (constant awareness of how others view us and 
our actions) 
What are some qualities of value based care? 
Ans: safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity 
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Give an example of value based care and economics? 
Ans: very selective process for ordering examinations, radiographs, labs 
MSW SWK D-517 M Quiz 1 With Actual Solution (2025)!!
MSW SWK D-517 M Quiz 2 Verified Answers (2025)!!