NR 261 Case Study Pleural Effusion (NR 261 Case Study Pleural Effusion)
Carrington College
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NR 261 Case Study Pleural Effusion
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $14.69
- 1x sold
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NR 261 Case Study Pleural Effusion 
NR 261 Case Study Pleural Effusion 
A.B., a 68-year-old man, is admitted to your medical floor with a diagnosis of pleural effusion. He complains of shortness of breath; pain in his chest; weakness; and a dry, irritating cough. His vital signs (VS) are 142/82, 118, respirations 38 and labored and shallow, 102.1° F (38.9° C), and Spo2 85% on room air. Chest x-ray examination reveals a large pleural effusion and pulmonary infiltrates in the right ...

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