BIOL 122 Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet (BIOL122)
Dallas Baptist University
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Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves COMPLETE SOLUTIONS
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves COMPLETE SOLUTIONS 
Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves COMPLETE SOLUTIONS

Exam (elaborations) BIOL 122 Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet (BIOL122) Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $6.99
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This GIZMOS Lab should be done Wednesday (11/4) and Thursday (11/5) to stay current with your Weekly Learning Plan. Student Exploration: Waves Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and prompts in the orange boxes. Vocabulary: amplitude, compression, crest, frequency, linear mass density, longitudinal wave, medium, period, power, rarefaction, transverse wave, trough, wave, wavelength, wave speed Prior Knowledge Questions (Answer 1&2 BEFORE usin...

- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $6.39
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1.	A buoy is anchored to the ocean floor. A large wave approaches the buoy. How will the buoy move as the wave goes by? 
2.	The two images show side views of ocean waves. How are the two sets of waves different? 
Gizmo Warm-up 
Ocean swells are an example of waves. In the Waves Gizmo, you will observe wave motion on a model of a spring. The hand can move the spring up and down or back and forth. 
To begin, check that the Type of wave is Transverse, Amplitude is 20.0 cm, Frequency i...

PHYS-1307 6172-21542 | WavesGizmo | Knowledge Q&A | 100% Correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $8.99
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Student Exploration: Waves Vocabulary: amplitude, compression, crest, frequency, longitudinal wave, medium, period, power, rarefaction, transverse wave, trough, wave, wavelength, wave speed Pr ior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 1. A buoy is anchored to the ocean floor. A...
BIOL 122 Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet

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