Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet
Dallas Baptist University
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Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves COMPLETE SOLUTIONS 20222023
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $7.99
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This GIZMOS Lab should be done Wednesday (11/4) and Thursday (11/5) to stay current with your Weekly Learning Plan. Student Exploration: Waves Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and prompts in the orange boxes. Vocabulary: amplitude, compression, crest, frequency, linear mass density, longitudinal wave, medium, period, power, rarefaction, transverse wave, trough, wave, wavelength, wave speed Prior Knowledge Questions (Answer 1&2 BEFORE usin...

GIZMO student exploration
- Package deal • 4 items • 2021
- $20.49
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PHYS-1307/ DistanceTimeVelocity Gizmo
Gizmos Student Exploration Photoelectric Effect (ANSWER KEY)
Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves
Crumple Zones_Gizmo - Student Exploration_2020 | Questions & Answers {100%}
GIZMO_Student Exploration: Moles 2020 | Bailey Sage_Student Exploration: MolesSE

Waves GIZMOS Lab Sheet/ Student Exploration: Waves
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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This GIZMOS Lab should be done Wednesday (11/4) and Thursday (11/5) to stay current with your Weekly Learning Plan. 
Student Exploration: Waves 
Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and prompts in the orange boxes. 
Vocabulary: amplitude, compression, crest, frequency, linear mass density, longitudinal wave, medium, period, power, rarefaction, transverse wave, trough, wave, wavelength, wave speed 
Prior Knowledge Questions (Answer 1&2 B...

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