RNSG 1301 (RNSG 1301)
El Centro College
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Raising the Bar for Success - RSNG1301 ( Detailed Topics)
- Package deal • 5 items • 2021
- $20.99
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Raising the Bar for Success: First Semester – El Centro College
RNSG 1310 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester | RNSG 1310 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester - EL CENTRO COLLEGE

Raising the Bar for Success First Semester - Sensory Perception - EL CENTRO
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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Raising the Bar for Success 
First Semester 
Sensory Perception 
Be able to know the differences between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss; know causes for both and nursing interventions for both. 
•	Conductive – sound wave transmission interrupted b/w external canal and inner ear 
o	Causes – external ear blockage (foreign body, ear wax), cerumen impaction, cholesteatoma, otitis media or externa, otosclerosis, serous otitis, tympanic membrane thickening, retraction, scarring, o...
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_Thermoregulation_ First Semester 2020 – El Centro
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
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- $10.99
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RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for 
Success_Thermoregulation_ First Semester 2020 – 
El Centro 
What is the regulatory process related to thermoregulation?
RNSG 1310 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester | RNSG 1310 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
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- $10.89
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Raising the Bar for Success 
First Semester 
What is the definition of nutrition? 
•	Process by which body ingests, absorbs, transports, uses, and eliminates nutrients and food 
Understand the nutritional requirements: 
•	during exercise 
o	higher intake necessary due to higher energy expenditure 
•	during illness 
o	clear/full liquid diets, soft, pureed depending on conditions 
o	therapeutic diets: low salt, low fat, calorie reduction, ↑fiber 
o	tube feedings if issues...
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester | RNSG1301 Raising the Bar for Success First Semester
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success 
First Semester 
Functional Ability 
How does a nurse assess a patient’s functional ability? 
•	Objective vs subjective 
•	Functional Independence Measure (FIM) 
o	Minimum data set of 18 self-care items (eating, bathing, grooming, dressing, etc) 
o	Addresses transfers and ability to ambulate and climb stairs 
o	Also communication and social cognition items 
o	Scoring based on 7-point scale 
•	PULSES profile 
o	Assesses physical con...
Want to regain your expenses?
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success _ First Semester 2020 – El Centro College | PM for a custom bundle
- Package deal • 7 items • 2021
- $35.99
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RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_Thermoregulation
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_Functional Ability
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Mobility
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Human Development
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Diversity 
RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Comfort
First Semester of 2020

RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Diversity _ First Semester 2020 – El Centro College | Raising the Bar for Success_ Diversity _ First Semester 2020
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $5.99
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RNSG 1301 Raising the Bar for Success_ Diversity _ 
First Semester 2020 – El Centro College 
What is the definition of diversity? 
• Unique variations among and between individuals, informed by genetics and cultural 
background, refined by life experiences and personal choice 
How does diversity affect nursing care? 
• One must be aware of a client’s culture, life experiences, and healthcare practices in 
• Ask th...
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