Houston Community College
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OB math review practice questions-1-1
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $7.09
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OB math review practice questions: 
(Please use the conversions listed in the box and round your answers to the nearest tenth.) 
1. Infant Adam weighs 5 pounds, 6 ounces. How many grams does Adam weigh?( 2440.4 
2. Ashley measured 19.5 inches in length at birth. What is her length in “cm”? (49.5 cm) 
3. Morgan weighed in at 3896 grams. Her mother would like to put her lbs. and oz. on the birth 
announcement. What is her weight in lbs. and oz.?( 
4. Caleb was born prematurely, weighin...
OB math review practice questions-1-1 and Answers
- Other • 3 pages • 2021
- $8.49
- + learn more
11. You have on hand Magnesium Sulfate 40 grams in 500ml of Lactated Ringers. The order is to 
infuse a maintenance dose of Magnesium Sulfate @ 1 gram/hour. How many ml/hr will you run 
the IV? (2G=25ML)(12.5 or 13 ml) 
12. Begin a Pitocin infusion at 7mu/min via pump for labor induction. On hand is Pitocin 30units 
in 1000ml Lactated Ringers. How many ml/hr will you run the IV? ( CHANGE TO 500 ML and 
2ml /mt) 
13. The nurse notes the patient’s IV pump is set at 120ml/hr. The IV bag holds 20 ...
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