HESI Patient Review: Dave Mason (RNSG1261)
Lone Star College
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HESI Patient Review: Dave Mason> Answered all answers graded correct.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $10.78
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HESI Patient Review: Dave Mason You question Dave regarding his immunization status. Your initial concern is determining his potential susceptibility to infection. Hint A. staphylococcus B. tetanus C. hepatitis D. streptococcus Your time with Dave has been brief, but you are able to set priorities for his care. Which of the following is pertinent and most important for Dave's care at this time? Hint A. Impaired Physical Mobility related to injured left thigh B. Fear related to potentially-serio...
Exam (elaborations)
HESI Patient Review: Dave Mason> Answered all answers graded correct.
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HESI Patient Review: Dave Mason You question Dave regarding his immunization status. Your initial concern is determining his potential susceptibility to infection. Hint A. staphylococcus B. tetanus C. hepatitis D. streptococcus Your time with Dave has been brief, but you are able to set priorities for his care. Which of the following is pertinent and most important for Dave's care at this time? Hint A. Impaired Physical Mobility related to injured left thigh B. Fear related to potentially-serio...
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