Pre Quiz FUN: Scenario 11 – Kyle M. (RNSG1261)
Lone Star College
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(answered) Pre-Quiz FUN: Scenario 11 – Kyle M.
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $10.78
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Pre-Quiz FUN: Scenario 11 – Kyle M. 1. If a patient presents with a wound that has damaged the dermis and epidermis, with the edges of the wound torn or jagged, the wound should be identified as a/an: A. laceration. B. puncture wound. C. abrasion. D. contusion. 2. A nurse documents that a wound has "thick yellow exudate." This exudate could be described as: A. serous. B. sanguineous. C. serosanguineous. D. purulent. 3. A nurse is preparing a patient with a minor open wound for discharge to h...
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