RNSG 1261 Medical Surgical Nursing / HESI Patient Review (RNSG1261)
Lone Star College
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HESI Patient Review: Patients at Risk _ Complete solutions 2020/2021 SOLUTION 100% CORRECT ANSWERS AID GRADE A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Sally makes ongoing rounds, recommending prevention strategies and treatments for a wide variety of wounds, including pressure ulcers. A pressure ulcer is a/an: 
A.	ecchymotic area caused by tissue trauma 
B.	localized area of tissue necrosis 
C.	skin trauma caused by bacteria 
Which of the following contribute to Mr. Esserman's risk for development of pressure ulcers? 
Select all that apply (there are 5 correct answers). 
A.	Paralysis of arm and leg 
B.	Loss of sensation 
C.	Use of...
HESI Patient Review: Patients at Risk _ Complete solutions (answered) fall 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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HESI Patient Review: Patients at Risk 
Sally makes ongoing rounds, recommending prevention strategies and treatments for a wide variety 
of wounds, including pressure ulcers. A pressure ulcer is a/an: 
A. ecchymotic area caused by tissue trauma 
B. localized area of tissue necrosis 
C. skin trauma caused by bacteria 
Which of the following contribute to Mr. Esserman's risk for development of pressure ulcers? 
Select all that apply (there are 5 correct answers). 
A. Paralysis of arm and le...
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