Maternal and Child Health Nursing 9th Edition (MaternalChildHealth)
Mclennan Community College
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Test Bank for Maternal and Child Health Nursing 9th Edition by Silbert Flagg.
- Exam (elaborations) • 398 pages • 2023
- $15.49
- 1x sold
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Test Bank for Maternal and Child Health Nursing 9th Edition by Silbert Flagg. Chapter 1 A Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing 
Page 2 
3. Which actions should the nurse perform when supporting the goals of maternal and 
child health care? (Select all that apply.) 
A) Advocates protecting the rights of the mother and fetus 
B) Teaches family members interventions to improve health 
C) Adheres to principles that focus on the needs of the mother 
D) Encourages maternal hospitalizati...

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