AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Prescription (NSG 6320)
South University
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AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Prescription
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2021
- $19.89
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1. Oral tetracycline (Sumycin), for the treatment of acute frontal sinusitis, should be administered: 
2. The brand name for sulfacetamide ophthalmic is: 
3. The generic name for Polytrim ophthalmic is: 
4. Which of the following does NOT cause a drug-disease interaction when using a decongestant/antihistamine medication such as Naphazoline/pheniramine (Naphcon-A)? 
5. The maximum daily dose of acetaminophen for ages 12 years and older is: 
6. For treatment of blepharitis, patients should be ins...

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