Tarrant County College
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Tarrant County College, SouthEDUCATION N/ATEAS 6 Science by Kelly (1)
- Other • 24 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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Integumentary System

Epidermis: Most superficial layer of skin; entirely epithelial cells

 Does NOT contain blood vessels

 5 layers

o Stratum Corneum: "Top Layer"- Dead keratinocytes

o Stratum Lucidum: "Clear Layer"- Colorless protein eleidin

o Stratum Granulosum: "Thin Layer"- granular layer

o Stratum Spinosum: "Spiny Layer"- Thickest layer, keratinocytes, immune dendritic cells,

sensory cells
Tarrant County College, SouthEDUCATION N/ATEAS 6 Science by Kelly (1)
Last document update:
Integumentary System 
Epidermis: Most superficial layer of skin; entirely epithelial cells 
 Does NOT contain blood vessels 
 5 layers 
o Stratum Corneum: "Top Layer"- Dead keratinocytes 
o Stratum Lucidum: "Clear Layer"- Colorless protein eleidin 
o Stratum Granulosum: "Thin Layer"- granular layer 
o Stratum Spinosum: "Spiny Layer"- Thickest layer, keratinocytes, immune dendritic cells, 
sensory cells
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