NURS 4803
Texas A&M University - Central Texas
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Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition Yoder-Wise Test Bank {Complete Answers}
- Exam (elaborations) • 135 pages • 2021
- $14.99
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Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition Yoder-Wise Test Bank {Complete Answers}-1.	As a nurse manager, you observe a staff nurse who over the past few weeks has become withdrawn and has had several absences due to minor ailments. Your best action would be to: 
a.	ask the nurse if she is okay during report. 
b.	refer the nurse to the employee assistance program. 
c.	 ask the nurse to meet with you for a few minutes before she leaves for the day. 
d.	write a note to the nurse advising her t...
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