NURS 6152 B Section 200 (NURS 6152 B)
University Of Houston - Downtown
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NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) latest spring 2021.
- Other • 16 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) latest spring 2021. NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson A. History (Subjective) (S) 1. Identifying data (ID): Mabel Johnson, a 76-year-old African American female that resides in an apartment on the second floor. 2. Chief complaint (CC): “I am having pain in my knees and I am ready to do something about it. That is why they sent me to you. My knees have been getting worse over the past couple of years. They hurt when I walk for more than a bl...
NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) Latest Spring

NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) latest spring 2021.
- Other • 15 pages • 2021
- $16.49
- 5x sold
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NURS 6152 B Section 200 Mabel Johnson (completed) latest spring 2021. 
 NURS 6152 B 
Section 200 
Mabel Johnson 
A.	History (Subjective) (S) 
1.	Identifying data (ID): Mabel Johnson, a 76-year-old African American female that resides in an apartment on the second floor. 
2.	Chief complaint (CC): “I am having pain in my knees and I am ready to do something about it. That is why they sent me to you. My knees have been getting worse over the past couple of years. They hurt when I wa...

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