NURS 3320 Chapter 48 Mechanisms of Endocrine Control (NURS 3320 Chapter 48- Mechanisms of Endocrine Control)
University Of Mary Hardin-Baylor
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NURS 3320 Chapter 48- Mechanisms of Endocrine Control
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
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1.	` 
A)	Some chemical substances can function as hormones or be integrated with the central and peripheral nervous systems. 
B)	Hormones directly initiate many of the processes that contribute to homeostasis. 
C)	Control of body processes is ensured by the fact that a single hormone can only exert one effect on one specific system or tissue. 
D)	Each hormone that exists in the body is produced by only one specific endocrine gland. 
Ans:	A 
	Some chemicals, such as epinephrine, can b...
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