Bipolar/Depression Case StudyRNUR 2050 (NURSING3261)
University Of Texas - Arlington
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(Solved) Bipolar/Depression Case Study:Luis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 years
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2024
- $9.49
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Luis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at 
the age of 2 years with his parents. He is unemployed 
and lives with his sister. He is actively involved with an 
intercity gang and depressed. Today he intentionally 
overdosed with paroxetine, zolpidem, oxycodone, and 
alcohol. He goes to his sisters apartment to say goodbye 
after taking the drugs and alcohol and confesses to 
overdosing. His sister immediately calls 911 as he became 
unconscious. On the way to the emergency department 

RNUR 2050 (Solved) Bipolar-Depression Case Study With Correct Verified Answers (100% Guaranteed)
- Case • 7 pages • 2023
- $11.99
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RNUR 2050 (Solved) Bipolar-Depression Case Study With Correct Verified Answers (100% Guaranteed)

(Solved) Bipolar/Depression Case Study:Luis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 years with hisparents.
- Other • 10 pages • 2023
- $9.00
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Clinical Case Study: Emotion (Mood, Anxiety, & Grief)Case: Bipolar Disorder with DepressionRelated Concepts: Adaptation, Coping, Wellness, Self-Management,Medication management & Suicide attemptLuis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 yearswith his parents.He is unemployed and lives with his sister.He is activelyinvolved with an intercity gang and depressed.Today he intentionallyoverdosed with paroxetine, zolpidem, oxycodone and alcohol.He goes tohis sister’s apartmen...

(Solved) Bipolar/Depression Case Study:Luis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 years with hisparents.
- Other • 10 pages • 2023
- $9.00
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Clinical Case Study: Emotion (Mood, Anxiety, & Grief)Case: Bipolar Disorder with DepressionRelated Concepts: Adaptation, Coping, Wellness, Self-Management,Medication management & Suicide attemptLuis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 yearswith his parents.He is unemployed and lives with his sister.He is activelyinvolved with an intercity gang and depressed.Today he intentionallyoverdosed with paroxetine, zolpidem, oxycodone and alcohol.He goes tohis sister’s apartmen...

(Solved) Bipolar/Depression Case Study:Luis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 years with hisparents.
- Case • 8 pages • 2023
- $9.49
- 9x sold
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Clinical Case Study: Emotion (Mood, Anxiety, & Grief)Case: Bipolar Disorder with DepressionRelated Concepts: Adaptation, Coping, Wellness, Self-Management,Medication management & Suicide attemptLuis Chaves is a 22-year-old who migrated to Miami at the age of 2 yearswith his parents.He is unemployed and lives with his sister.He is activelyinvolved with an intercity gang and depressed.Today he intentionallyoverdosed with paroxetine, zolpidem, oxycodone and alcohol.He goes tohis sister’s apartmen...

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