Test Bank Chapter 23 Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange (Test Bank Chapter 23- Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange)
University Of Texas - Arlington
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Test Bank Chapter 23- Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2021
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- $12.49
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1.	A client with a history of emphysema is experiencing hypoxemia after a taxing physical therapy appointment. Which of the following physiologic phenomena will occur as a consequence of hypoxemia? 
A)	Peripheral vasodilation 
B)	Necrosis 
C)	Hypoventilation 
D)	Increased heart rate 
Ans:	D 
	Consequences of hypoxemia include peripheral vasoconstriction, hyperventilation, and increased heart rate. Mild to moderate hypoxemia does not result in cell death and necrosis. 
2.	An elder...

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