biol 2281
University Of Texas - Dallas
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Class notes biol 2281
- Class notes • 11 pages • 2024
- $7.99
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In today’s biology lab, we investigated the transfer of bacteria using different methods of inoculation. We began by preparing agar plates with nutrient media and then performed streak plating to isolate colonies from a sample. Each group introduced bacteria using sterile swabs, ensuring proper aseptic techniques to avoid contamination. After allowing the plates to incubate, we observed the growth patterns and colony morphologies, discussing the effects of different inoculation methods on bact...
Class notes
Class notes biol 2281
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In today’s biology lab, we investigated the transfer of bacteria using different methods of inoculation. We began by preparing agar plates with nutrient media and then performed streak plating to isolate colonies from a sample. Each group introduced bacteria using sterile swabs, ensuring proper aseptic techniques to avoid contamination. After allowing the plates to incubate, we observed the growth patterns and colony morphologies, discussing the effects of different inoculation methods on bact...
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