NURS 4470 Transitions
West Texas A&M State University
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NURS 4470 Transitions
- Exam (elaborations) • 40 pages • 2022
- $18.49
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2019 HESI EXIT V1 
1.	Which information is a priority for the RN to reinforce to an older client after 
intravenous pylegraphy? 
A)	Eat a light diet for the rest of the day 
B)	Rest for the next 24 hours since the preparation and the test is tiring. 
C)	During waking hours drink at least 1 8-ounce glass of fluid every hour for the next 2 
D)	Measure the urine output for the next day and immediately notify the health care 
provider if it should decrease. 
The correct answer is D: Measure th...
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