Dosage Calculations and Basic Math for Nurses
University Of Utah
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Dosage Calculations and Basic Math for Nurses DeMYSTiFieD
- Other • 270 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $16.39
- + learn more
Calculating the correct dose to administer to the patient is challenging unless

you follow a proven approach that is used in Dosage Calculations Demystified.

Topics are presented in an order in which many nurses and nursing students like

to learn them—starting with the basics and then gradually moving on to techniques used in our nation’s leading medical facilities everyday to ensure patients

receive the proper dose of medication.

Each chapter follows a time-tested formula that first ex...
Dosage Calculations and Basic Math for Nurses DeMYSTiFieD
Last document update:
Calculating the correct dose to administer to the patient is challenging unless 
you follow a proven approach that is used in Dosage Calculations Demystified. 
Topics are presented in an order in which many nurses and nursing students like 
to learn them—starting with the basics and then gradually moving on to techniques used in our nation’s leading medical facilities everyday to ensure patients 
receive the proper dose of medication. 
Each chapter follows a time-tested formula that first ex...
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