C 426
Western Governors University
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C426 Healthcare Values and Ethics Task 1
- Essay • 22 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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A1. Potential Ethical Dilemmas 
Jamilah Smith was taken to the hospital after collapsing beside her bed in an extended 
care facility. She is 90 years old and speaks little English but is highly educated. Tests were 
performed and it was determined that she had a heart attack. She has no advanced directives and 
her youngest son is listed as her next of kin. Time is of the essence, as she only has days to live 
without treatment, and there are differing opinions regarding her treatment moving fo...
C 426Paradigm MEDICAL INDICATIONS The Principles of Beneficence and Non-maleficence
Summary C426 Washington University Paradigm

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