Differential Diagnosis & Red Flags
Western Governors University
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Red Flags & Differential Diagnosis Test Questions & Answers/ (Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPERS / GRADED A+/ 100% Accurate)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Red Flags & Differential Diagnosis Test 
Questions & Answers 
name ways to find red flags - 
-patient & famiily medical history 
-systems review 
-medical screening questionaire 
define: red flag -A sign or symptom found during a patient history, systems review, or test & 
measure that may indicate a need for a referral to a physician. 
what do red flags potentially indicate? - 
-presence of non-neuromuscular problem 
-serious NMS that may require immediate attention 
-systemic disease 

Red Flags Test Questions & Answers. (Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPERS / GRADED A+/ 100% Accurate)
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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Red Flags Test Questions & Answers 
A red-flag symptom requires immediate attention which would lead you to do one or both of what two 
things? -bring information to attention of PT, ask additional questions 
Anytime a yellow or red flag is observed or reported what are 2 things the PTA must do? - 
document it in the record, report it to the PT 
What are 3 key factors the PTA should always keep in mind because these create red flag signs and 
symptoms? -side effects of medications, comorbiditi...

(Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPERS / GRADED A+/ 100% Accurate) Red Flags Quiz 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- $6.49
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Red Flags Quiz 1 
Definition of General Red Flags -Signs and/or symptoms that signal dangerous conditions with 
multiple possible explanations or that can manifest in many different anatomical areas 
Headache with a neurological deficit is what type of Red Flag? -General red flag for an 
intracranial lesion, tumor, or bleeding 
A 40 year old patient who has right sided flank pain after eating is what type of Red Flag? - 
General red flag for cholecystitis (gallstones) 
What are the 4 Fs for ch...

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