NURS C475 AMNH Genetics, Genomics, Genethics for Nursing Questions and Answers for AMNH Quiz
Western Governors University
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AMNH Genetic and Genomic in Nursing(Top 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW PAPERS / GRADED A+/ 100% Accurate)
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- $7.99
- 2x sold
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AMNH Genetic and Genomic in Nursing 
Why do genetic counseling programs include extensive courses on laboratory methods in genetics - 
To help patients understand testing procedures and results 
What is the heritability estimate for schizophrenia in the general populations -80% 
Caucasian take more warfarin than asia -Many Asian do not breath down warfarin as fast as 
caucasians, so the drug is more effective at lower dosages 
What type of genetic test process information about as a symptomatic...

AMNH Genetics, Genomics, Genethics for Nursing Questions and Answers for AMNH Quiz with Answers 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- 3x sold
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Question 1 
A patient is 34 years old and concerned about possibly being a carrier for HNPCC because his 
father died of colon cancer at 39, his father’s sister died of colon cancer at age 41, and his 
brother (aged 37) now has colon cancer. The brother’s testing is negative for all the known 
mutations associated with inherited forms of colon cancer. How should this patient be 
counseled about his risk for colon cancer? 
Select one: 
a. Explain that testing for him would be of no benefit be...

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