Western Governors University
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NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2.
NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2.
NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2.
NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2.
Exam (elaborations) NUTRITION _C787_ STUDY_ GUIDE

C787 Unit 3 Healthy Nutritional Choices- Western Governors University
- Other • 12 pages • 2022
- $10.48
- + learn more
Unit 3: Healthy Nutritional Choices (Cohort 1) 
Reading: Chapter 10: Importance of Public Health Nutrition Programs in Preventing 
“It appears that the increasing trend of overweight and obesity will likely overtake 
tobacco as the leading preventable cause of mortality in the United States” What are the 
primary diseases associated with poor diet and lifestyle? 
Many diseases are associated with overweight and obesity, including CHD, 
stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthriti...
NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2 (100% correct).
NUTRITION C787 - Nutrition Study Guide 2 (100% correct).

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