WGU C165 Integrated Physical Sciences.
Western Governors University
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(Top QUALITY 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) WGU C165 Integrated Physical Sciences. Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. VERIFIED.
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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WGU C165 Integrated Physical Sciences. 
Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. 
A mathematical model is used to predict the trajectory of a bullet fired from a gun. 
Which discipline of physical science is used to develop this model? 
a) Chemistry 
b) Earth science 
c) Physics 
d) Astronomy - -c) Physics 
An environmental scientist monitors pollutants in a lake. 
Which two disciplines of physical science does this scientist use? (Choose 2 answers) 
a) Earth Science 
b) Astronomy 
c) ...

(Top QUALITY 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) WGU C165 Integrated Physical Science - Section 1 Test Questions and answers, 100% Accurate. Rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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WGU C165 Integrated Physical Science - 
Section 1 Test Questions and answers, 
100% Accurate. Rated A+ 
Iron ore consists mainly of iron atoms and oxygen atoms joined to each other to form several different 
possible forms of iron oxide. Which branch of physical science MOST directly deals with developing ways 
to remove the oxygen from iron oxide, thus leaving iron metal? 
Which field of physical science deals MOST directly with which atoms join together to form molecules? 

WGU C165- Earth and Sky Questions and answers, 100% accurate. VERIFIED.
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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WGU C165- Earth and Sky Questions 
and answers, 100% accurate. VERIFIED. 
What force caused the hydrogen, helium, and lithium formed from the big bang to collect and form stars, 
planets, and other objects, as well as to form the different elements than hydrogen making up these 
chemical bonds 
inertia - -gravity 
What process generates the energy that stars emit? 
chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water vapor- wrong 
fission of uranium or other la...

(Top QUALITY 2024/2025 EXAM REVIEW) WGU C165- Integrated Physical Science: Unit 2: Scientific Inquiry, Questions and answers, graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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WGU C165- Integrated Physical Science: 
Unit 2: Scientific Inquiry, Questions and 
answers, graded A+ 
Iron ore consists mainly of iron atoms and oxygen atoms joined to each other to form several different 
possible forms of iron oxide. Which branch of physical science MOST directly deals with developing ways 
to remove the oxygen from iron oxide, thus leaving iron metal? - -earth science 
Which field of physical science MOST directly explains how the motion of the continents over 100 millio...

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