WGU Pathology (WGUPathology)
Western Governors University
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WGU Pathology: Pre-Assessment Questions With Answers | Latest Update 2023/2024 | Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
- $23.49
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WGU Pathology: Pre-Assessment Questions With Answers | Latest Update 2023/2024 | Graded A+. A patient has severe itching on the face. The physical exam reveals dry skin 
and small lesions. The patient has a family history of allergic rhinitis. The 
physician prescribes topical anti-itch cream and instructs daily skin care. - 
correct answers Eczema 
A patient presents for follow-up of several painful vesicular lesions on the 
face, mouth, and tongue. The patient is diagnosed with a condition cau...
WGU Pathology: Pre-Assessment Exam Questions and Answers | Latest Update 2023/2024 | Complete Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
- $21.49
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WGU Pathology: Pre-Assessment Exam Questions and Answers | Latest Update 2023/2024 | Complete Graded A+. A patient's records indicate a diagnosis of a staph skin infection which 
caused a boil to develop on the patient's buttock region. Symptoms included 
red, swollen skin with pus. Which additional symptom can appear in the 
affected area? - correct answers Warm to touch 
A patient presents with anemia, jaundice, fever, and malaise due to the 
destruction of red blood cells. Which infectious ...
WGU pathophysiology D236 Bundle
- Package deal • 7 items • 2023
- $25.99
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WGU pathophysiology D236 Bundle
WGU Pathology Pre-Assessment questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $7.99
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Warm to touch CORRECT ANSWER A patient's records indicate a diagnosis of a staph skin infection which caused a boil to develop on the patient's buttock region. Symptoms included red, swollen skin with pus. Which additional symptom can appear in the affected area? 
Malaria CORRECT ANSWER A patient presents with anemia, jaundice, fever, and malaise due to the destruction of red blood cells. Which infectious disease does this describe? 
Sore throat & Nasal congestion CORRECT ANSWER A patient...
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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A patient's records indicate a diagnosis of a staph skin infection which caused a boil to develop on the patient's buttock region. Symptoms included red, swollen skin with pus. Which additional symptom can appear in the affected area? Correct Answer: Warm to touch 
A patient presents with anemia, jaundice, fever, and malaise due to the destruction of red blood cells. Which infectious disease does this describe? Correct Answer: Malaria 
A patient's record shows a diagnosis of H1N1 flu. W...
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