BIB 106 EXAM 2 Encountering the Old Testament CHAPTERS 10 15 and 19 23 (BIB106)
American Military University
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BIB 106 EXAM 2 Encountering the Old Testament CHAPTERS 10-15 and 19-23
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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1.	An overriding concern of the books of Kings is the theology of retribution. (True) 
2.	Which of the following are not contained in the Deuteronomistic history? (1-2 Chronicles) 
3.	Which of the following is not part of the literary cycle in the book of Judges? (God raising a prophet) 
4.	Proverbs are promises from God. (False) 
5.	Which of the following books are considered a part of the Wisdom literature? (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes) 
6.	Which of the following is not one ...

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