PSYC 435
Chatham University
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Exam (elaborations) PSYC 435 Abnormal Psychology Notes PART ONE CHAPTER 1 - 17 STUDY GUIDE Quizzes (in Quiz Book):Other:Quiz 1: Units 1-3 (5%): DoneTerm Paper (35%)Quiz 2: Units 4-6 (5%): DoneFinal Exam (40%)Quiz 3: Units 7-9 (5%): DoneTerm Paper Proposal
- Exam (elaborations) • 85 pages • 2022
- $25.99
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Exam (elaborations) 
PSYC 435 Abnormal Psychology Notes PART ONE CHAPTER 1 - 17 STUDY GUIDE 
Quizzes (in Quiz Book):Other:Quiz 1: Units 1-3 (5%): DoneTerm Paper (35%)Quiz 2: Units 4-6 (5%): DoneFinal Exam (40%)Quiz 3: Units 7-9 (5%): DoneTerm Paper Proposal: DoneQuiz 4: Units 10-13 (5%): DoneQuiz 5: Units 14-17 (5%): DoneVERY USEFUL QUIZLET ACCOUNT: 1.Describe the historical emergence of abnormal psychology as a concept and as an area of clinical practice.2.Identify and compare several theories ...
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