HLT 306V (HLT 306V)
Northern Vigirnia Community College
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Older Adults Patient Education Issues essay and Interview
- Case • 4 pages • 2021
- $8.39
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Older Adults Patient Education Issues essay and Interview
For this essay I choose to interview my 80-year-old uncle regarding his experience with
the healthcare system post his elective total knee replacement related to Osteoarthritis.
1. Did a patient education representative give you instructions on how to care for
yourself after your illness or operation?
Before I had surgery, I met with my primary doctor and then I met with the orthopedic
doctor. Most of my education came from the orth...
Older Adults Patient Education Issues essay and Interview
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Older Adults Patient Education Issues essay and Interview For this essay I choose to interview my 80-year-old uncle regarding his experience with the healthcare system post his elective total knee replacement related to Osteoarthritis. 1. Did a patient education representative give you instructions on how to care for yourself after your illness or operation? Before I had surgery, I met with my primary doctor and then I met with the orthopedic doctor. Most of my education came from the orth...
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How much did you already spend on Stuvia? Imagine there are plenty more of you out there paying for study notes, but this time YOU are the seller. Ka-ching! Discover all about earning on Stuvia