Old Dominion University
Latest uploads at Old Dominion University. Looking for notes at Old Dominion University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Old Dominion University
(1) Learn how to define child development, explain why researchers study child development, and describe the history of the study of child development. 
(2) Describe and evaluate theories of child development, including psychoanalytic theory, learning theories, cognitive-developmental theory, biological views, ecological systems theory, and the sociocultural perspective. 
(3) Discuss controversies in child development, including the nature–nurture controversy, whether development is continuous...
Condensed and straight to the notes on Aquinas-Ethics and Natural Law as opposed to reading 10 pages of notes.
A high chance in learning how to do statistics by looking over this
A good document for students in need of help for math
this is a math document to help students that need help with stat
Statistics practice and answers to solve problems
Covers both textbook content and in class lecture content
A review of topics from chapters 4 to 6 of the textbook moral of the story. It covers the topic of Rosentands view on utilitarianism and psychological egoism.
CNA Practice Exam 
Take this free CNA practice test to get a sample of the types of questions on an actual Nursing Assistant certification exam. 
A CNA exam typically has two parts, a written part and a skills part. The written part of the test is typically in a multiple choice format and evaluates your knowledge of the subjects that CNAs are expected to know. Subjects that will be included in the test are: CNA Roles, Observation, Reporting and Abbreviations, Safety and Managing Behavior, Eme...
CNA Practice Exam - Certified Nursing Assistant 
Take this free CNA practice test to get a sample of the types of questions on an actual Nursing 
Assistant certification exam. 
A CNA exam typically has two parts, a written part and a skills part. The written part of the test is 
typically in a multiple choice format and evaluates your knowledge of the subjects that CNAs are 
expected to know. Subjects that will be included in the test are: CNA Roles, Observation, Reporting 
and Abbreviations, Sa...