BIOL 121 Chapter 10 and 11 questions
South University
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BIOL 121 Chapter 10 and 11 questions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $10.00
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BIOL 121 Chapter 10 and 11 
questionsBIOL 121 Chapter 10 and 11 
Chapter 10 questions 
1. Which muscle draws the corner of the 
mouth laterally, and is innervated by the 
facial nerve (N VII)? 
a. depressor anguli oris 
b. risorius 
c. levator anguli oris 
d. zygomaticus major 
2. Which muscle of facial expression 
originates on the maxilla and zygomatic bone, 
superior to the infra-orbital foramen, and is 
innervated by CN VII? 
a. orbicularis oculi 
b. levator anguli ori...

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