NCLEX RN V12.35 National Council Licensure Examination new doc 2020/2021
South University
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NCLEX-RN V12.35 National Council Licensure Examination(NCLEX-RN) new doc 2020/2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 318 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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NO.1 A depressed client is seen at the mental health center for follow-up after an attempted suicide 1 week ago. She has taken phenelzine sulfate (Nardil), a monoamine oxidase 
(MAO) inhibitor, for 7 straight days. She states that she is not feeling any better. The nurse explains that the drug must accumulate to an effective level before symptoms are totally relieved. Symptom relief is expected to occur within: 
A.	10 days 
B.	2-4 weeks 
C.	2 months 
D.	3 months Answer: B Explanation: 
(A)	This ...

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