NSG 6001 Knowledge Check 5
South University
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NSG 6001 Knowledge Check 5 Questions and Answers Rted A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $11.89
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A patient with shoulder pain is seen by an orthopedic specialist who notes erythema, warmth and fluctuance of the shoulder joint. What is the next step in treatment for this patient?

2. A patient comes to a provider with reports of unilateral arm pain and weakness with mild neck pain. The provider notes that the patient prefers holding the affected arm crossed in front of the throat. A history reveals a recent onset of sexual dysfunction. What does the provider suspect based on this history?
Exam (elaborations)
NSG 6001 Knowledge Check 5 Questions and Answers Rted A+
Last document update:
A patient with shoulder pain is seen by an orthopedic specialist who notes erythema, warmth and fluctuance of the shoulder joint. What is the next step in treatment for this patient? 
2. A patient comes to a provider with reports of unilateral arm pain and weakness with mild neck pain. The provider notes that the patient prefers holding the affected arm crossed in front of the throat. A history reveals a recent onset of sexual dysfunction. What does the provider suspect based on this history? ...
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