NSG 6005 Week 4 Quiz : South University (NSG 6005 Week 4 Quiz)
South University
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NSG 6005 Week 4_NSG 6005 Week 4 Quiz (Latest versions 2021): South University
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.80
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NSG 6005 Week 4 Quiz (2 Latest versions): South University (2021) 
Question 1.Patients with pheochromocytoma should avoid which of the following classes of drugs due to the possibility of developing hypertensive crisis? 
	 	Beta 2 agonists 
Question 2.	Harold, a forty-two-year-old African American, has moderate persistent asthma. Which of the following asthma medications should he use cautiously, if at all? 
 Betamethasone, an inhaled corti...

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