NURSING 4530 Mark Klimek Lectures 1 to 12 Complete Study Guide. A+ Guide.
South University
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NURSING 4530 (NURSING4530) Mark Klimek Lectures 1 to 12 Complete Study Guide. A+ Guide.
- Summary • 92 pages • 2021
- $13.49
- 1x sold
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Lecture 1—	Acid-Base Balance		Dumping/HH 
	Ventilators		Electrolytes: K+, CA, MG, 
			and NA 
Lecture 2—	Alcohol		TX for HyperKalemia 
	Overdose and Withdrawal	Lecture 7—	Thyroid (Hyper-, Hypo-) 
	S/Sx		Adrenal Cortex (Addison 
	Aminoglycosides		Disease, Cushing) 
	Peak and Trough		Toys 
Lecture 3—	Drug Toxicities (Lithium,		 
	Lanoxin, Dilantin, Bilirubin,	Lecture 8—	Lab Values 
	Aminophylline)		Five Deadly Ds 
	Kernicterus		Neutropenic Precaution 

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