SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74 Year Old Female with Knee Pain | NSG6020_W6_A4_Carpenter (SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74-Year-Old Female with Knee Pain | NSG6020_W6_A4_Carpenter (answered))
South University
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SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74-Year-Old Female With Knee Pain | NSG6020_W6_A4_Carpenter
- Other • 8 pages • 2021
- $15.99
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SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74-Year-Old Female with 
Knee Pain 
Name: Ms. Roman Date: 6/18/2020 Time: 0900 
Age: 74 Sex: Female 
"I've been having some pain in my right knee. It's really been bothering me. It feels achy 
all over. I've had knee pain off and on for months, but it has become more constant for the 
last several weeks. When the pain didn't seem to be going away, I decided to come see the 
The patient is a 74-ye...

SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74-Year-Old Female with Knee Pain | NSG6020_W6_A4_Carpenter (answered)
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $10.49
- + learn more
SOAP NOTE: From Contingency Plan: Aquifer Family Medicine 11: 74-Year-Old Female with Knee Pain | NSG6020_W6_A4_Carpenter (answered)

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