Stratford University
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MED SURG 245Mark-Klimek-Lecture-Notes-2-1
- Exam (elaborations) • 79 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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LECTURE 1: Acid Base Balance & Ventilator 
Interpreting blood gases 
(remember the rules of the B’s) 
• If the pH and the bicarb are both in the same direction then it’s metaBolic 
(Bicarb Both Bolic), if they are in different directions then it is respiratory 
• If bicarb is normal and the pH is low or high then its respiratory 
• You will be given 8 values for arterial blood gas, always first look at the pH 
and the bicarb first 
• You get acidosis and alkalosis from the pH 
LABS: ...
Stratford UniversityMED SURG 245Mark-Klimek-Lecture-Notes-2-1.
- Exam (elaborations) • 79 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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LECTURE 1: Acid Base Balance & Ventilator 
Interpreting blood gases 
(remember the rules of the B’s) 
• If the pH and the bicarb are both in the same direction then it’s metaBolic 
(Bicarb Both Bolic), if they are in different directions then it is respiratory 
• If bicarb is normal and the pH is low or high then its respiratory 
• You will be given 8 values for arterial blood gas, always first look at the pH 
and the bicarb first 
• You get acidosis and alkalosis from the pH
- Exam (elaborations) • 79 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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If the pH and the bicarb are both in the same direction then it’s metaBolic 
(Bicarb Both Bolic), if they are in different directions then it is respiratory 
• If bicarb is normal and the pH is low or high then its respiratory 
• You will be given 8 values for arterial blood gas, always first look at the pH 
and the bicarb first 
• You get acidosis and alkalosis from the pH 
The normal pH is 7.35-7.45 
The normal bicarb is 22-26 (the bicarb years where you make all the dec...
MED SURG 245 {37 Page} Revised NCLEX Study Guide | MED SURG 245 NCLEX Study Guide_UPDATED
- Other • 74 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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MED SURG 245 {37 Page} Revised NCLEX Study Guide 
Default Answers 
1.	Give meds either 1 hour before meal or 2 hours after meal 
2.	Give antacids 1 hour before med or 4 hours after med-after meals 
3.	When in doubt pick K (potassium) 
4.	2 – 3 L of fluids 
5.	When in doubt pick answer that has you stay with patient 
6.	Anytime you see restless & ↓ level of consciousness = early sign always pick 
7.	Head of Bead → 30-45 degrees for any neuro patient 
8.	Elderly with acute onset confusion ...
MED SURG 245 ATI Study Guide 2-1
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $5.99
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MED SURG 245 ATI Study Guide 2-1
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