legal research (LGL-125)
Thomas Nelson Community College
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Grammer Assignment
- Other • 3 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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1. The game was scheduled for Saturday when the weather was supposed to be enjoyable.

Correct answer: There should be a comma between Saturday and when.

2. Despite a recent injury, Jim continued his exercise regimen. Correct answer: None of the above.

3. Many writers prefer not to outline there novels, they feel that doing so restricts their cretivity.
Grammer Assignment
Last document update:
1. The game was scheduled for Saturday when the weather was supposed to be enjoyable. 
Correct answer: There should be a comma between Saturday and when. 
2. Despite a recent injury, Jim continued his exercise regimen. Correct answer: None of the above. 
3. Many writers prefer not to outline there novels, they feel that doing so restricts their cretivity.
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