Virginia Commonwealth University
Latest uploads at Virginia Commonwealth University. Looking for notes at Virginia Commonwealth University? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries Virginia Commonwealth University
and Online Chapter Review Questions** 
Opioids and Non-opioids (7) 
1. Indications, side effects and adverse effects of non-opioids (NSAIDs, aspirin, 
acetaminophen) and opioids and how they are managed/prevented 
a. Nonopioids 
i. Used for mild to moderate acute and chronic pain 
1. Most of the time you won’t see extended release medicine for acute pain 
ii. Examples: 
1. NSAIDs 
a. Thought to be completely safe because OTC but they’re not 
i. Encourage patients to read labels 
b. Patients ...
Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health /(Download for GUARANTEED Pass)
Hospital Discharge Plan 
Title	Student's Note 
Write what you would say to instruct Tina about managing her diabetes. 
Ms Jones, before we can discharge you, I would like to provide some important 
information regarding managing diabetes with you. It is important that you regula monitor your blood glucose at home and keep up with your medication schedule. Always feel free to reach out to our doctor's office if you have any concerns regarding your medica...
NURS261 :Discharge Tina Jones Shadow Health
NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health/NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health/NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health
NURS 325 Adults Test 2 SG Questions and Answers 
**Do NCLEX and Online Chapter Review Questions** 
Opioids and Non-opioids (7) 
1.	Indications, side effects and adverse effects of non-opioids (NSAIDs, aspirin, acetaminophen) and opioids and how they are managed/prevented 
a.	Nonopioids 
i.	Used for mild to moderate acute and chronic pain 
1.	Most of the time you won’t see extended release medicine for acute pain 
ii.	Examples: 
1.	NSAIDs 
a.	Thought to be completely safe because OTC but th...
Notes that summarize all lectures in the Survey of American History Class.
A full, written out document that has notes from every single lecture in on semester.
NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health/NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health/NURS 261 Hospital Discharge Plan Tina Jones Shadow Health