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User Role 
Chronicles correct answer: Database structure organized into Master Files (File Cabinet) 
Master File (INI) correct answer: Stores all of the data about one type of thing (Drawer) 
Record correct answer: Stores information about one specific entity the Master File (Folder) 
Contact correct answer: A date specific snapshot of the data within a record (encounter) 
Item correct answer: A question or prompt that contains a value 
Value correct answer: Response to an ite...
USER (EMP) correct answer: 1:1 - one per person = one record (no sharing) 
"Log in" 
MUST be set in individual user record: 
User ID and password 
Link to Default login department- user logs in to the right place 
LINK to Provider Record- (if S.C.A.R) 
LINK to User Template Record *Don't forget Cadence set-up* 
Individual users built in Hyperspace 
Provider (SER) correct answer: 1:1 - one per person/thing 
 Needed if person/thing meets ONE: 
C - ...
When editing a category list in Chronicles such as the Allergy Reaction category list, you may see the following message: "Release Range: All Customer Owned". 
Part I: What does this message indicate? Choose only ONE answer. correct answer: A. This category list is a System list maintained by Epic and customers can not add 
to it. 
B. This category list is reserved for future development - no values currently exist. 
C. This category list is a Customer list; it can be edited by each custom...
Which record lets an end user log in to Epic? correct answer: User record 
Which record gives an end user access to tools and functionality in Epic? correct answer: Security Class record 
Which record allows an end user's credentials to display in Hyperspace? correct answer: Provider record 
What is Chronicles, and is it unique to Epic's clinical products? correct answer: Chronicles is Epic's database management system and is used by all Epic software applications. 
True or False:...
Filing cabinet, Epics database management system correct answer: Chronicles 
A text-based platform used to view and edit data in Chronicles correct answer: Clinical Administration 
Different ways to view information stored in the database management system correct answer: Clinical Administration 
Drawer of file cabinet (Chronicles). Used to organize a particular type of record correct answer: Master File 
What are examples of master files? correct answer: Patient (EPT), ...
Filling Cabinet Analogy: What is 
-Filing Cabinet 
-File in the Drawer 
-dated or versioned Paper 
-Question on paper (Name, sex) 
-Answer on paper (Bob jones, Male) correct answer: -Chronicles 
-Master file 
What is a contact? correct answer: date specific snapshot of data within a record (the Patient master file is unique in that it includes many different types of contacts, including hospital encounters, appointments, and telephone encounters.) ...
What record must be created in order for a person to log in to Epic? correct answer: USER 
What record must be created for a person or resource that meets certain 
clinical criteria? correct answer: PROVIDER 
What clinical criteria might be met for a user who is also a provider? correct answer: SCHEDULABLE,CREDENTIALED, AUTHORIZES ORDERS 
What record can be created to ease setup and maintenance for groups of 
users with similar job roles and setup needs? correct answer:...
Workstation correct answer: Computers, printers and fax machines. Can link to varius levels of the hierarchy. 
Department (clinic) correct answer: Area that schedules patients. 
Provide a place for people to log in to. 
Revenue Location correct answer: Building where people work; a collection of departments. They can be hospitals or clinics. After you specify a department's revenue location, it cannot be changed! 
Service Area correct answer: A grouping of clinics or hospitals which ...
Epic Security 101 (Epic Fundamentals) Questions With Complete Solutions
What steps need to be completed to change the name of a User with an SER? correct answer: 1. Create New Contact and Change name in the SER. 
2. Create a New Contact and chsnfe the name in EMP. 
Why is it important to manage and track Release Notes? correct answer: Reviewing them can help prepare for security upgrades and avoid unanticipated security changes. 
When a Provider leaves, do you need to remove his InBasket security? correct answer: Yes 
Is it a common activity to have Helpde...