Keith RN (NURS 252)
Bellevue College
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Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances Mandy White, 16 years old (answered) unfolding case
- Other • 23 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances, Mandy White, 16 years old. 
UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT 
Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances 
History of Present Problem: 
Mandy White is a 16-year-old adolescent who has struggled with anorexia nervosa since the age of 11. She admits to 
drinking several large glasses of water daily. Mandy has also been recently engaging in self injurious behavior (SIB) of 
cutting both forearms and thighs with broken glass, causing numerous lacerations and...
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