NURS 252 (NURS 252)
Bellevue College
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Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances Keith RN UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study:
- Other • 23 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances 
Mandy White, 16 years old 
Primary Concept 
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 
Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 
1.	Acid-base 
2.	Nutrition 
3.	Perfusion 
4.	Coping 
5.	Mood and Affect 
6.	Clinical Judgment 
7.	Communication 
8.	Collaboration 
9.	Patient education 
© 2016 Keith Rischer/ 
UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT 
Eating Disorder/Electrolyte Imbalances 
History of Present Problem: 
Mandy White is a 16-...

RAPID Reasoning Case Study:anorexia nervosa_Eating disorder
- Case • 10 pages • 2021
- $12.04
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RAPID Reasoning Case Study:anorexia nervosa_Eating disorder 
Clinical Significance: 
T: 96.2 F 
P: 50 reg 
BP: 86/44 MAP: 58 
Orthostatic BP 
Temp is low because the pt is starving herself 
Not getting enough calories and nutrition to support the heart 
Blood volume is low from low blood volume. MAP should be 65 and up, pt MAP is low which 
means blood is not reaching major organs 
Pt has orthostatic hypotension from fluid volume deficit. Lightheadedness upon standing so 
safety measures should ...

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