med surg (MEDSURG219)
Blue Ridge Community And Technical College
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Assessment of Gastrointestinal System Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition (new 2021) TEST BANK-Critical Care Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 35 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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LEWIS 10 Chapter 38: Assessment of Gastrointestinal System Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which information about an 80-yr-old male patient at the senior center is of most concern to the nurse? a. Decreased appetite c. Difficulty chewing food b. Unintended weight loss d. Complaints of indigestion ANS: B Unintentional weight loss is not a normal finding and may indicate a problem such as cancer or depression. Poor appetite, difficulty in chewing, and complaints o...
Exam (elaborations)
Assessment of Gastrointestinal System Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition (new 2021) TEST BANK-Critical Care Exam
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LEWIS 10 Chapter 38: Assessment of Gastrointestinal System Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which information about an 80-yr-old male patient at the senior center is of most concern to the nurse? a. Decreased appetite c. Difficulty chewing food b. Unintended weight loss d. Complaints of indigestion ANS: B Unintentional weight loss is not a normal finding and may indicate a problem such as cancer or depression. Poor appetite, difficulty in chewing, and complaints o...
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