Meningococcal Diseases Course DHA US084 (DHA-US084)
West Virginia University At Parkersburg
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Summary - Meningococcal Diseases Course DHA -US084 (DHA-US084)
- Summary • 3 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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Meningococcal Diseases Course DHA -US084 Quiz 2023. 
You are most likely to become infected with meningococcal bacteria by: 
Trumenba and Bexsero can be given interchangeably when administering meningococcal B vaccine. 
The most common adverse reaction following either type of meningococcal vaccine is: 
Post exposure prophylaxis with meningococcal vaccine is the most effective means of preventing meningococcal illness in people who have been in close contact with people who are mening...
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