Math 533 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Math 533? On this page you'll find 137 study documents about Math 533.
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Keller MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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- $8.49
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Keller MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing. Keller MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis TestingRequirement A: The average (mean) sales per week exceeds 41.5 per salesperson. 
Key Statistics as computed by Minitab 
Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3 
SALES 100 0 42.340 0.417 4.171 32.000 39.250 42.000 45.000 
 N for 
Variable Maximum Range IQR Mode Mode 
SALES 52.000 20.000 5.750 44 12 
Step 1 Hypotheses 
Ho: μ = 41.5 
Ha: μ > 41.5 
Step 2 Level of Sig...

Math-533 Applied Managerial Statistics..
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
- $19.79
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Math-533 Applied Managerial Statistics..Math-533 Applied Managerial Statistics..Math-533 Applied Managerial Statistics..Math-533 Applied Managerial Statistics..

MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
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- $12.49
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MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023. The correlation coefficient between sales and calls is calculated as 0.871. This positive 
correlation coefficient tells us that as the number of calls increase so does the number of sales. 
Correlation: Sales, Calls (Appendix III) 
Minitab Result 
Pearson correlation of Sales and Calls = 0.871 
P-Value = 0.000 
Minitab Result: (See above Fitted Line Plot for below result) 
S = 2.05708 R-Sq = 75.9% R-Sq(adj) = 75.7% 
The coefficien...

MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023. The regression analysis is telling us that for each additional call sales will go up by 0.202. 
Minitab Result 
Regression Analysis: SALES versus CALLS (Appendix II) 
The regression equation is 
SALES = 9.64 + 0.202 CALLS 
Math 3 
The correlation coefficient between sales and calls is calculated as 0.871. This positive 
correlation coefficient tells us that as the number of calls increase so does the number of sales. 
Correlation: ...
MATH 533 Week 8 Final Exam(100% CORRECT Solution) | Already graded A+

MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing. Hypotheses testing involves the testing of the null hypothesis and the alternative 
hypothesis. When testing the hypothesis either the null hypothesis or the alternative 
hypotheses is rejected. The value to a company knowing to accept or reject a hypothesis 
will aid in the decision making process. Information derived from hypothesis testing can 
aid in more timely decision. 
Requirement A: The average (mean) sales per week exceeds 41.5 per sa...

MATH 533 Week 7 Course Project Part C Regression and Correlation Analysis
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $9.49
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MATH 533 Week 7 Course Project Part C Regression and Correlation Analysis. It is evident with the help of scatter graph trend line that there is positive relationship 
between Sales and calls. If number of calls increases the sales also increase and vice versa. 
Ans. 2 
With help of Minitab, the regression equation is mentioned below as: 
Minitab Result 
Regression Analysis: Sales versus Calls 
The regression equation is 
Sales = 9.638 + 0.2018 Calls 
Ans. 3 
Math 3 
The correlation coefficient ...

MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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MATH 533 Course Project Part C Regression Model Keller 2023. The correlation coefficient between sales and calls is calculated as 0.871. This positive 
correlation coefficient tells us that as the number of calls increase so does the number of sales. 
Correlation: Sales, Calls (Appendix III) 
Minitab Result 
Pearson correlation of Sales and Calls = 0.871 
P-Value = 0.000 
Minitab Result: (See above Fitted Line Plot for below result) 
S = 2.05708 R-Sq = 75.9% R-Sq(adj) = 75.7% 
The coefficien...

Keller MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $10.49
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Keller MATH 533 Course Project Part B, Hypothesis Testing. Hypotheses testing involves the testing of the null hypothesis and the alternative 
hypothesis. When testing the hypothesis either the null hypothesis or the alternative 
hypotheses is rejected. The value to a company knowing to accept or reject a hypothesis 
will aid in the decision making process. Information derived from hypothesis testing can 
aid in more timely decision. 
Requirement A: The average (mean) sales per week exceeds 41.5...
Math 533 Week 7 Keller Graduate School of Mgmt

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