Nr 504 assignment - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nr 504 assignment? On this page you'll find 59 study documents about Nr 504 assignment.
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NR 504 Week 8 Discussion: You and Your Leadership Journey
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
- $8.99
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NR 504 Week 8 Discussion: You and Your Leadership Journey 
Reflect upon the learning that you have accomplished throughout the previous weeks, and assess your achievement of each of the five course outcomes. 
CO 1: Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems. 
CO 2: Appraise the role of the MSN-prepared nurse to lead safe, efficient, ethical, high-quality, person-center...

NR 504 Week 5 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum
- Case • 7 pages • 2022
- $5.49
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NR 504 Week 5 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum 
Reflect upon a current or previous organization, and consider the organizational mission, vision, and values, as well as the organizational culture and leadership practices. 
1.	Provide a concise introduction for your posting. 
2.	In what ways did the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence? 
a.	How were the mission, vision, and values similar to and different from your personal philosophy of nursing and core v...
NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Leadership Reflective Essay

NR 504 Week 3 Assignment: Reflective Essay (GRADED)
- Essay • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to promote introspective reflection related to leadership competencies which positively influence others and cultivate healthful working relationships. Stu dents will reflect upon personal strengths and opportunities for enhancement with respect to leadership competencies, and implications of leadership competency in the selected are of MSN specialty practice. Requirements Based upon readings and learning activities within the class lessons, reflect ...
NR 504 Week 7 Assignment: Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement

NR-504 Week 7 Assignment: Leadership Style & Change Advocacy Statement Part II: Written Summary (RATED A+)
- Case • 4 pages • 2022
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- $10.99
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Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights gained through learning activities and personal reflection in order to create a personal leadership style and change advocacy statem ent. Students will record a video of themselves presenting their individual leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will conclude by noting how the selected leadership style can facilitate the change process. A concise summary paper is included. Requirements – Criteria for Content C...

NR-504 Week 5 Assignment: Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part I: Concept Map (GRADED A+)
- Case • 1 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies which support a culture of excellence within the student’s selected MSN track. S tudents will identify organizational characteristics which support a culture of excellence. In addition, students will identify an existing organizational mission, vision, and values and create an original concept map to portray the interrelationships between each element. The extent to which the or...
NR 504 Week 7 Assignment Guidelines and Rubric 12_3_2018

NR 504 Week 5 Assignment 2; Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II; Written Paper - Advent Health.docx
- Other • 8 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
- 1x sold
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The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence andleadership strategies which support a culture of excellence within the student’s selected MSN track. Students will identify organizational characteristics which support a culture of excellence. In addition, students will identify an existing organizational mission, vision, and values and create an original concept map to portray the interrelationships between each element. The extent to which the ...
NR 504 Assignments Week 3, 5, 7 (Bundle)

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