Pubh8035 discussion - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries

Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Pubh8035 discussion? On this page you'll find 16 study documents about Pubh8035 discussion.

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PUBH 8035 Module 5 Discussion; Study Group
  • PUBH 8035 Module 5 Discussion; Study Group

  • Other • 7 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • ThisDiscussionwillfacilitate yourunderstandingabouthowtominimizebiasinstudies,aswellas how to assess potential confounders and effect modifiers. Before you participate in thisDiscussion,completethefollowingtasks: • Readtheassignedchaptersofthetextbook. • WatchthevirtuallabprovidedintheLearningResources. • ReviewthechapterquestionsforChapters10,11,13,and14,whicharedesignedtohelpyoupracticeandassessyourunderstandingoftheconcepts presentedinthechapter. • Completethefollowingassignedch...
  • $12.49
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PUBH 8035 Module 1 Discussion; Epidemiology in the News
  • PUBH 8035 Module 1 Discussion; Epidemiology in the News

  • Other • 7 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • DiscussionTips Part of what makes a discussion a discussion and not a lecture is the back and forth, indepth, animated engagement of at least two people. If you start discussing a topic andyour peers are not engaging in it, consider what you can do to get the conversationgoing. Include something that might elicit further thoughts and different opinions amongyourpeers.Rememberthatdiscussionsupportsadiscovery-basedlearningexperiencethat facilitates a deeper understanding of content from multipl...
  • $12.49
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PUBH 8035 Module 4 Discussion 2; Ethics in Epidemiological Research
  • PUBH 8035 Module 4 Discussion 2; Ethics in Epidemiological Research

  • Other • 5 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • AnExperimentalStudyinthePrimaryPreventionofType2DiabetesImaginethatresearchersareconductingarandomizedcontrolledtrialofahigh-fibersupplementasapreventivemeasureinpersonsatincreasedriskoftype2diabetes. Peopleenrolledin thestudyaredisease-freeatthetime theyagreetoparticipateinthetrial,buttheyallhaveafamilyhistoryoftype2diabetesandareconsideredathigh-risk(80%)todevelopthediseaseduring their lifetime. The 10,000 participants who start the trial are healthyindividuals who are randomly allocated to r...
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PUBH 8035 Module 7 Discussion; Assessing Causality and Implications for Public Health Policy
  • PUBH 8035 Module 7 Discussion; Assessing Causality and Implications for Public Health Policy

  • Other • 4 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • Forthisweek,thearticleIchosewasaboutDietaryGlycemicIndex(GI)and Glycemic Load (GL) and the risk of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). The articleconcluded that the high confidence in causal associations for incident T2D issufficient to consider inclusion of GI and GL in food and nutrient-basedrecommendations(Geoffreyet al.,2019). What is the epidemiological causal inference model used by the authors?Provideadetailedsummaryofhowtheauthorsusedthemodeltoassesstheassociation.
  • $12.49
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PUBH 8035 Module 3 Discussion; Study Group
  • PUBH 8035 Module 3 Discussion; Study Group

  • Other • 3 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • StudyGroupMyResearchQuestion: In chapter 9, the strength and weaknesses of Case-control studies and Cohort studies werehighlighted. And one of the strengths of Case-Control studies is that it is efficient for rarediseases; in other words, conditions that are not common and epidemiologists are still trying tounravelthe nature ofthedisease(Aschengrau,2020).Ithought Covid-19shouldbepart ofsuchdiseases, but many of the epidemiologist studies that I have read in the past involves Cohortstudy,whileno...
  • $12.49
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PUBH 8035 Module 6 Discussion; Study Group Outbreak Disease Detective
  • PUBH 8035 Module 6 Discussion; Study Group Outbreak Disease Detective

  • Other • 2 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • Question1:Whatquestions(ortypesofquestions)wouldyouaskthestudent? 1. Howlongdidyoursymptomsstartafteryouate? 2. Whatdidyoueat?Didyourroommateandyouatethesamethingornot? 3. Wasthereanyoneelsetherewithyouthatisalsoexperiencingthesamesymptoms? 4. DidyoutakeanyOTCmedication,ifsowhat? 5. Anyreasonwhyyouhavenotseenadoctoryet?
  • $12.49
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