Stat200 week 6 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Stat200 week 6? On this page you'll find 19 study documents about Stat200 week 6.
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University of Maryland - STAT 200 STAT200 Week 6 Homework Problems.

STAT 200 Week 1 To Week 7 Homework Problems / STAT200 Week 1 To Week 7 Homework Problems | 100% Correct, Already Graded A | Rated 100%
- Package deal • 7 items • 2021
- $35.49
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STAT 200 Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6 And Week 7 Homework Problems / STAT200 Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6 And Week 7 Homework Problems | 100% Correct, Already Graded A | Rated 100%
Exam (elaborations) STAT 200/STAT 200 (STAT200) STAT 200 Week 6 Homework Problems

Exam (elaborations) STAT 200/STAT 200 (STAT200) STAT 200 Week 6 Homework Problems
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Exam (elaborations) STAT 200/STAT 200 (STAT200) STAT 200 Week 6 Homework ProblemsExam (elaborations) STAT 200/STAT 200 (STAT200) STAT 200 Week 6 Homework Problems
University of Maryland - STAT 200 STAT200 Week 6 Homework Problems.

STAT 200 STAT200 Week 6 Homework
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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8.1.4 Suppose you compute a confidence interval with a sample size of 100. What will happen to the 
confidence interval if the sample size decreases to 80? 
Decreasing the sample size causes the error bound to increase, making the confidence interval wider. 
8.2.6 In 2008, there were 507 children in Arizona out of 32,601 who were diagnosed with Autism 
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ("Autism and developmental," 2008). Find the proportion of ASD in Arizona 
with a confidence level of 99%. 
X = 507 
N ...
University of Maryland - STAT 200 STAT200 Week 6 Homework Problems.
University of Maryland - STAT 200 STAT200 Week 6 Homework Problems.

(answered) STAT 200 Week 7 Homework|STAT 200 STAT200 WEEK 7 HOMEWORK SOLUTION (UMUC) Updated 2021
- Other • 8 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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STAT 200 Week 7 Homework 
Lane Chap. 14 
2. The formula for a regression equation is Y’ = 2X + 9. 
a. What would be the predicted score for a person scoring 6 on X? 
b. If someone’s predicted score was 14, what was this person’s score on X? 
6. For the X, Y data below, compute: 
a. r and determine if it is significantly different from zero. 
b. the slope of the regression line and test if it differs significantly from zero. 
c. the 95% confidence interval for the sl...

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