Busi 2003 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Busi 2003? On this page you'll find 61 study documents about Busi 2003.
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BUSI 2003C- BUSI 2003-Operations - BUSI 2003 Week 6 Exam (100 out of 100 points )
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $19.99
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BUSI 2003C- BUSI 2003-Operations 
100 out of 100 points 
1. Throughput time, process flow rate, capacity, and average amount of inventory in the system are some of the key metrics of a manufacturing process. 
2. The concept of mistake-proofing was first developed in the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo. It was called: 
3. Which of the following is not a reason for quality improvement failure? 
4. Little's Law in a manufacturing process relates to: 
5. A bank has an average of 10 ...
BUSI 2003 WEEK 2

BUSI 2003 Week 4 Quiz with Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $9.99
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BUSI 2003 Week 4 Quiz 
1. Which of the following statements concerning the Malcolm Baldrige award is true?	 
2. Reliability refers to: 
3. The measures of quality used in manufacturing processes can be readily transferred to service operations. 
4. Customer and Market Focus contribute most of the points of the Baldrige criteria.	 
5. Service quality is based on the gap between 	and 	. 
6. Which of the following matches between quality gurus and the guru's philosophy is incorrect? 
7. Little's...

BUSI 2003 Week 1 Quiz - Operations with Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $9.99
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BUSI-2003C-1/BUSI-2003-1-Operations- BUSI_2003_Week 1_Quiz 
1. Which of the following statement(s) accurately explain supply chains? 
2. Four major decision responsibilities of the operations management function include all of the following except: 
3. Common inputs to the operations transformation process include all of the following except: 
4. The four major operations objectives include all of the following except: 
5. It is better to inspect quality of a product rathe...

BUSI 2003 Final Exam Week 6 - (Question and Answers )
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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1. Symbols used within a typical flow-process chart include all of the following except: 
2. Which of the following matches between quality gurus and the guru's philosophy is incorrect? 
3. Outsourcing occurs when a firm moves work performed internally to another facility belonging to the same firm but in another country. 
4. Which of the following is not a qualitative approach to forecasting? 
5. Which of the following is not a perpetual measure of service? 
6. The measures of quality used in ...

BUSI-2003C-1/BUSI-2003-1-Operations Week 3 Exam
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2022
- $14.99
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1. Which of the following statements concerning service guarantees is false? 
2. A major drawback of a line process is the jumbled flow, which reduces the throughput and efficiency. 
3. Process selection choices a"ect all parts of the firm and thus involve all functional areas along with general management. 
4. The Knee-Hugger Jeans Company makes designer jeans in six colors under a make-to-stock approach. In response to a new fashion craze, customers have e...

• BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ 
• Question 1 
0 out of 2 points 
Process selection choices affect all parts of the firm and thus involve all functional areas along with general management. 
Selected Answer: 
Correct Answer: 
Answer Feedback: 
(pp. 79, see last paragraph of section 4.8). 
• Question 2 
0 out of 2 points 
Make-to-stock (MTS) and make-to-order (MTO) process choices each offer relative advantages and disadvantages. Which of the following statements concerning MTS and MTO is tr...

- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $17.49
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•	Question 1 
4 out of 4 points 
	Throughput time, process flow rate, capacity, and average amount of inventory in the system are some of the key metrics of a manufacturing process.			 
	Selected Answer:	 
Correct Answer:	 
Answer Feedback:	(pp. 109, Little law is: I = T X R or average inventory = average throughput rate X average flow rate). 
•	Question 2 
4 out of 4 points 
	The concept of mistake-proofing was first ...

• BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ 
• Question 1 
0 out of 2 points 
Process selection choices affect all parts of the firm and thus involve all functional areas 
along with general management. 
Selected Answer: 
Correct Answer: 
Answer Feedback: (pp. 79, see last paragraph of section 4.8). 
• Question 2 
0 out of 2 points 
Make-to-stock (MTS) and make-to-order (MTO) process choices each offer relative 
advantages and disadvantages. Which of the following statements concerning MTS and MTO 

• BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $7.49
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BUSI 2003 WK 2 QUIZ 
• Question 1 
0 out of 2 points 
Process selection choices affect all parts of the firm and thus involve all functional areas along with general management. 
Selected Answer: 
Correct Answer: 
Answer Feedback: 
(pp. 79, see last paragraph of section 4.8). 
• Question

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